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Education, Jossey-Bass

Hoboken, NJ

Wiley Announces Lost and Found, the new groundbreaking book by Ross Greene

Ross Greene's groundbreaking Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) approach to understanding and helping behaviorally challenging kids -- first introduced in his 1998 bestseller The Explosive Child -- has helped millions of people. With CPS, adults understand that behavioral challenges stem from lagging skills in the domains of flexibility/adaptability, frustration tolerance, and problem solving and collaborate with kids on solving the problems that are causing challenging behavior. CPS represents a more compassionate, productive approach to behavioral challenges, and is in marked contrast to interventions emphasizing adult-imposed consequences..

In his 2008 bestseller, Lost at School, Greene argued that the archaic, obsolete discipline systems used in K-12 schools are not working for the kids to whom they're most often applied: those with behavioral challenges. The book explained how to implement CPS as a school-wide program. Despite the success of Lost at School, teachers, counselors, and school psychologists have been clamoring for more detailed guidance on using CPS with their students.

Lost and Found:  Helping Behaviorally Challenging Students (and, While You're At It, All the Others) (Jossey-Bass, May 2016; $26.95; Cloth; ISBN: 978-1-118-89857-4) is a follow-up to The Explosive Child and Lost at School, providing educators with highly practical, explicit guidance on implementing the CPS model. While the first two books described Dr. Greene's positive, constructive approach and described implementation on a macro level, Lost and Found provides the technical details of implementation, with commentary from educators who have actually implemented the model in their schools. Readers will learn how to incorporate students' input in solving the problems that affect their lives. 

The groundbreaking, empirically-supported CPS approach has been a revelation for parents and educators of behaviorally-challenging children. Lost and Found gives educators the concrete guidance they need to immediately begin working more effectively with these students.

Lost and Found is now available for purchase online and at retailers nationwide in both print and all e-book formats. For a full list of retailers, visit www.wiley.com/buy/9781118898574