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Edited By: Astrid Nehlig, PhD and Michael Sperling, MD
Print ISSN: 0013-9580 Online ISSN: 1528-1167
Impact Factor: 5.067

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Medicine & Healthcare, Wiley-Blackwell

  • Press Release
July 04, 2016

Many Malaysian Children with Epilepsy Are Vitamin D Deficient

Long-term use of antiepileptic drugs is a significant risk factor for vitamin D deficiency in children with epilepsy. A new Epilepsia study found that despite living in the tropics, a high proportion of Malaysian children with epilepsy are at risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Among 244 children, vitamin D deficiency was identified in 55 (22.5%) of patients, and a further 48 (19.7%) had vitamin D insufficiency. Children with multiple antiepileptic drugs, low sunshine exposure, Indian ethnicity, female sex, and age >12 years were more likely to be vitamin D deficient.