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Hoboken, NJ

Engage or Die!

In his 19-year marketing career, Brian Solis has dedicated the last 13 years specifically to the practice of and experimentation in online interaction. ENGAGE thoroughly examines the social media landscape and how to effectively use it in business - one network and one tool at a time. 

Readers will walk away with everything they need to know about:

  • Which social networks they should participate in and why
  • How to come up with effective ideas based on the proven examples of other peers and companies
  • Establishing a supportive ecosystem for these new activities
  • Building a brand and communities in each network
  • Increasing revenue and inspiring action based on goals
  • Defining and measuring ROI and adapting it to existing benchmarks and metrics, while defining new methods for measuring success over time

The guide for branding your business in the era of the Social Web, ENGAGE leads readers through the detailed and specific steps required for conceptualizing, implementing, managing, and measuring a social media program. Both small businesses and Fortune 500 companies will increase visibility over their competition, build communities of loyal brand enthusiasts, and ultimately increase profits.