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Slide 11: The Ruzizi river where it enters Lake Tanganyika. This river was created when the Virunga  volcanoes blocked the Western Rift Valley and forced a reversal on the the former much longer Rutshuru river.  This cut-off a large amount of water that formerly exited via the Albert Nile.  The headwaters  reversed course and the "spillover" became Panzi Falls. See the physical features on the locator map in Slide 7 for the Western Rift Valley for more details.  You can also learn much more about fisheries research and other topics on Lake Tanganyika and the Ruzizi river by going to the FAO-FINNIDA Project.  They are also part ofIDEAL (International Decade for the East African Lakes). 
Image credit: Courtesy Eric Coenen, Lake Tanganyika Fisheries Project.

Created 12 February 1998. Last updated 30 April 1998  by JDH.