Chapter 01 Practice Quiz

Which specialty in psychology focuses on the application of the principles of psychology to the workplace, including personnel selection, leadership, and job satisfaction?


industrial/organizational psychology


social psychology


cultural psychology


clinical psychology

Which of the following are the goals of psychology?


describe, manipulate, control, and examine behavior


describe, explain, predict, and change behavior


predict, control, examine, and change behavior


manipulate, control, explain, and change behavior

___________ rely on nonscientific or deliberately fraudulent methods to explain personality.









The goal of ___________ is to tell "what" occurred, whereas the goal of ___________ is to tell "why."


health psychologists; biological psychologists


description; explanation


psychologists; psychiatrists


pseudopsychologists; clinical psychologists

An astrologer, who claims that there is a correlation between birth date and many personality traits, is actually practicing a form of ___________ rather than actual science.




nonexperimental study




descriptive analysis

Industrial psychologists are proposing new policies and employee incentives in an attempt to reduce absenteeism at a widget factory. Which goal of psychology do these psychologists have in mind?









Psychology is the of behavior and mental processes.

is the process of objectively evaluating, comparing, analyzing, and synthesizing information.

Students often confuse scientific psychology with , which give the appearance of science but are actually false.

Psychology's goals are to describe, explain, predict, and .

psychology studies the course of human growth and development from conception until death.

The contemporary humanistic approach provides the foundation for positive psychology, which places an emphasis on which of the following?


The positive acceptance of the evolutionary model.


The positive use of computer models for understanding behavior.


The positive emotions, positive traits, and positive institutions.


The positive interpretations of CAT scans.

Wilhelm Wundt is credited as the founder of ___________ psychology.









Who is recognized for the development of psychoanalytic theory?









___________ emphasized objective, observable behaviors.




Gestalt psychology





The ___________ approach recognizes the value of using a combination of perspectives to explain human behavior and mental processes.









Someone who believes that behavior is the result of complex chemical and biological events within the brain is called a(n) ___________.


information processor


ecological psychologist


evolutionary psychologist



___________ was the first woman president of the American Psychological Association, and ___________ was the first African American to earn a Ph.D. in psychology.


Calkins, Washburn


Skinner, Watson


Titchener, Wundt


Calkins, Sumner

Bob has built a time machine that can transport him back through the history of psychology. He travels back to the early 1900s and encounters a bearded gentleman who proposes the theory that problem behaviors are driven by sexual and aggressive impulses that are hidden in the unconscious mind. Whom has Bob most likely met?


William James


Edward Titchener


Sigmund Freud


John B. Watson

Which of psychology's past schools emphasized the influence of sexual and aggressive impulses?









Applied research is conducted to study ___________.


how people apply knowledge in an educational setting


theoretical questions that may or may not have real-world applications


the goals of psychology


real-world, practical problems

An interrelated set of concepts that explains a body of data is called a ___________.






operational definition


none of the above

___________ research is conducted to explore new theories and advance scientific knowledge, whereas ___________ research attempts to solve real-world, practical problems.


Experimental; non-experimental


Correlational; survey


Basic; applied


Theoretical; hypothetical

The explanation a researcher provides for participants about the research process after it is over is called a(n) ___________.


case conference


study's footnote




exit interview

Sometimes ___________ is used to create a realistic situation with genuine reactions from participants.






a nonmonetary incentive


case observation

About what percentage of psychology studies are done on nonhuman animals?


only about 7-8 %


only about 15%


about 50%


about 75%

Which of the following is not true of animal research?


Animal care committees are established to oversee research with animals.


Animal research has produced significant outcomes for the animals themselves.


Animal research has provided significant advances for humans in many areas.


There are no real reasons for ever using animals in research.

Basic research is conducted to advance scientific knowledge, whereas research is designed to solve practical problems.

is a statistical procedure for combining and analyzing data from many studies.

A theory is an interrelated set of concepts that explains a body of data, whereas a is a specific prediction about how one variable is related to another.

An is a precise description of how the variables in a study will be observed and measured.

___________ research involves the manipulation and control of variables and attempt to identify cause and effect.








none of the above

Only the experimental method allows the investigation of ___________.






cause and effect


the goals of psychology

What are the four major types of psychological research?


correlation, case study, naturalistic observation, survey


experiment, nonexperiment, pseudopsychology, correlational research


structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, psychoanalytic


experimental, descriptive, correlational, biological

A researcher has designed an experiment to test a special math program for students to see if their math scores will increase. What is the independent variable in this experiment?


the students


the math program


the math scores


the sex of the experimenter

When participants are not exposed to any amount or level of the independent variable, they are members of the ___________.


control condition


experimental condition


observation group


out-of-control group

When experimenters influence the results of their experiment in an expected direction, it is called ___________.


experimenter bias


control bias


observational bias


experimental bias

Participants in a study who try to present themselves in a positive light and respond in a socially desirable way are exhibiting:


experimenter bias


participant bias


ethnocentric bias


representative bias

In an experiment, the researcher ___________.


isolates one or more variables and examines their effects on a behavior


controls the dependent variable and measures the independent variable


deceives subjects, manipulates variables, and makes correlations


observes one behavior to the exclusion of all other variables

In an experiment it is assumed that the ___________ causes/affects the ___________.


confounding variable, independent variable


independent variable, dependent variable


dependent variable, independent variable


hypothesis, dependent variable

Participants in the ___________ are treated exactly the same as participants in the ___________, except they are not exposed to the independent variable.


experiment; nonexperiment


survey; case study


selection group; placebo group


control group; experimental group

An inactive substance or fake treatment used as a control technique in experiments is known as a ___________.






independent variable



A researcher is studying the use of a scent as a memory aid. One group is asked to listen to a series of lectures in a room that smells of oranges and later to recall the information while sniffing the same scent. The other group is asked to listen to and later recall the same information in an identical room with no particular odor. What is the independent variable?


the room


the story


the group that was exposed to the scent


the scent of oranges

Dr. Calef is investigating the effectiveness of the SQ4R method with general psychology students. He randomizes the students into two groups. One group is given instructions in how to use the SQ4R method and is asked to try it out. The other group receives no such instructions. He then compares the scores on subsequent exams. Which is the experimental group?


The students who received instructions are the experimental group.


The students who did not receive instructions are the experimental group.


Both groups of students are experimental groups.


Neither group is an experimental group.

Simone is doing research with head-injury victims who are in physical therapy. She believes that adding music to their physical therapy routine will enable them to better coordinate their motor skills. She randomizes the patients into two groups. Group A gets the regular physical therapy sessions. Group B gets identical physical therapy sessions while listening to music. What is the independent variable?


physical therapy




measurement of gait


age of the patient

A study randomized school-aged children into either a small class or a large class. When tested years later, children who had spend their K-3 years in small classes scored better on all tests of academic performance than did the students in larger classes. What is the dependent variable?


small class size


large class size


academic performance


none of the above

Rats are randomized into two groups. The rats in Group A are fed an adequate diet of food pellets. The rats in Group B are given an identical diet but are also fed an antioxidant supplement each day. Once the rats are elderly, the rats in Group B show significantly better performance on tests of memory than rats in Group A. Which of the following statements are true?


Group A is the control group, and Group B is the experimental group.


Group A is the experimental group, and Group B is the control group.


Both groups are control groups.


Both groups are experimental groups.

When interviewing subjects, Sam unknowingly gives subtle facial cues that influence the subjects' responses toward supporting his hypothesis. This problem is referred to as:


participant bias.


experimenter bias.


sample bias.



In a ___________ the researcher knows who is in the experiment and control group, but the participants do not.


single-blind study


double-blind study


correlational study


biological study

Two researchers, each from a different cultural background, collaborate to conduct a research study two times, once with members of their own culture and once with members of at least one other culture. The cross-cultural sampling is done specifically to avoid which of the following?


the bias of ethnocentrism


experimenter bias


participant bias


the "halo" effect

Dr. DeLoe separates his subjects into groups. Subjects with an even social security number are in the control group and subjects with an odd social security number are in the experimental group. This procedure is an example of ___________.


representative sampling


experimenter bias


random assignment



In a study to test a new sinus medication, the subjects do not know whether they are receiving the real medication or a placebo. The researchers who meet with the subjects also do not know which subject is in which group. This is an example of what type of study?









In a study testing a new migraine medication, members of the experimental group receive injections of the drug while members of the control group receive injections of saline solution, an inactive substance. In this study, the saline solution serves as a/an ___________.


independent variable


dependent variable




none of the above

Which of the following is true with regard to the advantages of using the descriptive research methods?


Descriptive research methods allow researchers to identify cause and effect relationships.


Descriptive research methods minimize artificiality.


Data collection has few or no controls with descriptive research methods.


Both b and c are true.

Andrew is asking public school teachers a series of questions about what types of problems they encounter most in their classrooms and about their attitudes and perceptions toward their work and communities. What type of technique is he using?






natural observation


case study

A correlation coefficient of +0.02 is found in Stacy's study of birth date and the personality trait of extraversion. We can conclude that .


the variables are likely unrelated


the relationship between the two variables is very strong


a mistake was made since a correlation coefficient must be a whole number


none of the above

Using a descriptive method, a researcher finds a strong negative correlation between emotional stress and immune system functioning. What does this mean?


Stress causes the immune system to malfunction.


As stress increases, immune function tends to decrease.


As stress increases, immune function tends to increase.


Stress and immune function are not related.

A researcher finds that as barometric pressure in an area increases, the frequency of migraines in that area also increases. What type of correlation is this?


negative correlation


positive correlation


zero correlation


none of the above

Which correlation coefficient indicates the strongest relationship between variables?









The fact that, as Evan gets taller, he also weighs more is a ___________.


positive correlation


negative correlation


zero correlation



The relationship between the color of your shoes and your teacher's mood today can be called a ___________.


mood correlation


zero correlation


random sampling


negative correlation

A number that indicates the degree and direction of the relationship between two variables is known as ___________.






correlation coefficient


statistical significance

In an experiment, the independent variable is manipulated to determine its causal effect on the variable .

According to the section Tools for Student Success, students must focus on the ABCs to succeed at basically any task. "C" of the ABCs is your .

To help improve student time management, one must:


Establish a baseline


Reward yourself for good behavior


Maximize your time


All of the above are time-management strategies.

Effective note taking depends on , which is mindfully hearing and comprehending words spoken by another person.

The overflowing toilet example in the Tools for Student Success section of Chapter 1 explains that student grades are usually based on their knowledge and performance and not their within the class.

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