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—POGIL activity collections!

POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) is a student-centered, group-learning strategy developed through research on how students learn best. POGIL empowers learners to grow in the course and as individuals—guiding them to hone critical thinking, problem solving, and core communication skills as they work together to achieve a deeper conceptual understanding of the material.

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—POGIL activity collections!

POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) is a student-centered, group-learning strategy developed through research on how students learn best. POGIL empowers learners to grow in the course and as individuals—guiding them to hone critical thinking, problem solving, and core communication skills as they work together to achieve a deeper conceptual understanding of the material.

Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry,
6th Edition

Richard S. Moog, John J. Farrell

Chemistry: A Guided Approach 6th Edition follows the underlying principles developed by years of research on how readers learn and draws on testing by those using the POGIL methodology. This text follows inquiry based learning and correspondingly emphasizes the underlying concepts and the reasoning behind the concepts. This text offers an approach that follows modern cognitive learning principles by having readers learn how to create knowledge based on experimental data and how to test that knowledge.

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry, 2nd Edition

Michael P. Garoutte, Ashley B. Mahoney

The Activities found in General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry use the classroom guided inquiry approach and provide an excellent accompaniment to any GOB one- or two-semester text. Designed to support Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), these materials provide a variety of ways to promote a student-focused, active classroom that range from cooperative learning to active student participation in a more traditional setting.


Here’s how to create your own custom book for your Chemistry or Calculus course.

Want to create a customized collection?

Contact Mallory Fryc at [email protected].

Learn more at www.pogil.org.

Here’s how to create your own custom book for your Chemistry or Calculus course:

Want to create a customized collection? Contact Mallory Fryc at [email protected].

Learn more at www.pogil.org.
