The Young SeriesCollege Algebra TrigonometryAlgebra & TrigonometryPrecalculus

Trigonometry, 3rd Edition

The Third Edition of Cynthia Young’s Trigonometry brings together all the elements that have allowed instructors and learners to successfully “bridge the gap” between classroom instruction and independent homework by overcoming common learning barriers and building confidence in students’ ability to do mathematics. Written in a clear, single voice that speaks to students and mirrors how instructors communicate in lecture, Young’s hallmark pedagogy enables students to become independent, successful learners. Varied exercise types and modeling projects keep the learning fresh and motivating.

My goal was to write a book that is seamless with how we teach and is an ally (not an adversary) to student learning. I wanted to give students a book they could read without sacrificing the rigor needed for conceptual understanding.

— Cynthia Young