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Red Hat Publisher's Edition Errata

This is the Errata site for the Wiley Technology Publishing books using the Publisher's Edition of Red Hat Linux.

Each file has been compressed using the RAR and ZIP compression algorithm. You may want to download WinRAR by RARLabs to decompress the files

Download the dosutils directory content dosutils.rar (4.58 MB) dosutils.zip (4.78 MB)
Download the boot.img file boot.rar (1.38 MB) boot.zip (1.32 MB )
Download both directories in one file redhatpubed.rar (5.95 MB) redhatpubed.zip (6.06 MB)
Self Extracting file with both directories redhatpubed.exe (6.0 MB)  

The authors and the editorial staff at Wiley have made every effort to insure the accuracy of the text and code that make up the books we publish, but mistakes are still bound to happen. As new updates are discovered, they will be posted.

If you find any errors in the text of the book, or in any of the sample code in the book or on this Web site, please send mail to the following address:

[email protected]

Please include page references and book title for updates from the book, and we'll be sure to post the corrections. Thank you for your help.


ISBN 0-7645-1681-7


ISBN 0-7645-4967-7


ISBN 0-7645-1793-7


ISBN 0-7645-2442-9

Wiley Technology Publishing
Timely. Practical. Reliable.