Chapter 17 Self Quiz

The primary taste sensations are sour, sweet, bitter, salty, and umami.


Static equilibrium refers to the maintenance of the position of the body relative to the force of gravity; dynamic equilibrium refers to the maintenance of body position in response to rotational acceleration or deceleration.


Of all of the special senses, only smell and taste sensations project both to higher cortical areas and to the limbic system.


The ability to change the curvature of the lens for near vision is convergence.


Which of the following are true?
1. The sites of olfactory transduction are the olfactory hairs.
2. The olfactory bulbs transmit impulses to the temporal lobe of the brain.
3. The axons of olfactory receptors pass through the olfactory foramina in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone.
4. The olfactory nerves are bundles of axons that terminate in the olfactory tracts.
5. Within the olfactory bulbs, the first-order neurons synapse with the second-order neurons.


1, 2, and 4


2, 3, 4, and 5


1, 2, 3, 4, and 5


1, 3, and 5


1, 2, 3, and 5

Which of the following statements is incorrect?


Olfactory receptors respond to the chemical stimulation of an odorant molecule by producing a receptor potential.


Basal stem cells continually produce new olfactory receptors.


Adaptation to odors is rapid and occurs in both olfactory receptors and the CNS.


Production of nasal mucus by olfactory glands serves to moisten the olfactory epithelium and dissolve odorants.


The orbitofrontal area is an important region for odor identification and discrimination.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?


Taste is a chemical sense.


The receptors for taste sensations are found in taste buds located on the tongue, the soft palate, the pharynx, and the epiglottis.


Gustatory hairs are the sites of taste transduction.


The threshold for bitter substances is the highest.


Complete adaptation to taste can occur in 1 to 5 minutes.

When viewing an object close to your eyes, which of the following are required for proper image formation on the retina?
1. Increased curvature of the lens
2. Contraction of the ciliary muscle
3. Divergence of the eyeballs
4. Refraction of light at the anterior and posterior surfaces of the cornea
5. Constriction of the pupil by contraction of the extrinsic eye muscles


1, 2, 3, 4, and 5


1, 2, and 4


1, 2, 3, and 4


2, 4, and 5


2, 3, and 4

Which of the following are mismatched?


Fungiform papillae: scattered over the entire tongue's surface.


Filiform papillae: contain taste buds in early childhood.


Vallate papillae: each houses 100–300 taste buds.


Foliate papillae: located in trenches on the lateral margins of the tongue.


Fungiform papillae: each houses about five taste buds.

When you look at a tree, which of the following correctly identifies the order of the visual pathway from when the light enters your eye until it reaches the photoreceptors?


Cornea, pupil, lens, vitreous body, photoreceptors


Lens, cornea, pupil, vitreous body, photoreceptors


Cornea, vitreous body, pupil, lens, photoreceptors


Lens, cornea, vitreous body, pupil, photoreceptors

Which of the following statements is incorrect?


Retinal is the light-absorbing portion of all visual photopigments.


The only photopigment in rods is rhodopsin, but three different cone photopigments are present in the retina.


Retinal is a derivative of vitamin C.


Color vision results from different colors of light selectively activating different cone photopigments.


Bleaching and regeneration of the photopigments account for much but not all of the sensitivity changes during light and dark adaptation.

Which of the following is the correct sequence for the auditory pathway?


External auditory canal, tympanic membrane, auditory ossicles, oval window, cochlea and spiral organ


Tympanic membrane, external auditory canal, auditory ossicles, cochlea and spiral organ, round window


Auditory ossicles, tympanic membrane, cochlea and spiral organ, round window, oval window, external auditory canal


Auricle, tympanic membrane, round window, cochlea and spiral organ, oval window


External auditory canal, tympanic membrane, auditory ossicles, internal auditory canal, spiral organ, oval window

The extrinsic eye muscles move the eyeball superiorly, inferiorly, laterally, and medially, and are innervated by cranial nerves III, IV, and V.


The modified sebaceous glands whose secretion helps keep eyelids from adhering to one another are known as:


Lacrimal glands




Tarsal (Meibomian) glands


Ciliary glands

The aqueous humor is the watery fluid in the anterior cavity that helps nourish the lens and cornea. It also helps maintain shape of the eyeball.


At the Battle of Bunker Hill, William Prescott told his troops "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes." To which anatomical part was he referring?









Which parts of the ear contain receptors for equilibrium?


Cochlea and middle ear


Ampulla and Eustachian tube


Tympanic membrane and spiral organ


Semicircular canals and vestibule

Perilymph is found in the membranous labyrinth, while endolymph is found in the bony labyrinth.


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