Newsgroup Resources
Indiana University's Usenet Resources
Links to everything you ever wanted to know about USENET, including FAQs, charters, netiquette, how to start a newsgroup, etc. An excellent starting point.
Sunsite Search for Groups
The absolute *best* way to search for appropriate newsgroups. If your browser is forms-compatible, don't waste your time anywhere else -- try this first! Brought to you by the University of North Carolina.
Ohio State's Newsgroups &;Mailing Lists

Excellent resource for finding one-line descriptions of newsgroups as well as descriptions of publicly accessible mailing lists. Updated monthly.
Oxford's FAQs
An easy-to-use interface for finding newsgroup FAQs. The best FAQ-finder of the resources listed here.
Ohio State's FAQs
Alphabetical list of Usenet FAQs. These can help you determine what postings are welcome in a newsgroup, although Oxford's FAQs may be a better place to look.
Yahoo - News:Usenet
Yahoo's directory of information about Usenet. This should help you locate other Usenet resources.
Usenet Charters
FTP directory maintained by UUNET. By drilling down, you can find the charters of Usenet newsgroups. Not a very easy way to learn about newsgroups.
Deja News
This is a good resource for scanning newsgroups to find out what people are saying about you (or your competition).
Commercial news service. For a small fee, you can read newsgroups and post to them. For a larger fee, you get faster access to more groups. More than 17,000 newsgroups!
Usenet News Finder
Terrific newsgroup finder provided by Rob Kabacoff at Inter-Links. You put in a word and it brings up a healthy list of matching groups with one line descriptions and hotlinks to the groups themselves. Very fast!
Nifty little service for finding discussion groups (both newsgroups and mailing lists). Returns a list of matches with links to descriptions. It takes a while to drill down to the descriptions, but some contain useful statistics.

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Copyright © Steve O'Keefe from the book Publicity on the Internet